Thursday, 8 November 2012

My School's Year End Activities~

School Holiday is coming~ :D my school holiday would be on 10th November. which is the day after tomorrow... wait now is past  12 o'clock at midnight already, means tomorrow, XD

So this past few days, my school has been doing this year end activities, each classes have different events~

for year 8, they made a haunted house, we're all allowed to go in there but have to pay though, xD hahhah,,

for year 9, their theme is really cute, it's 'wonderland' :9 there's alice inside there who became the tour guide, she's a korean, and is really cute x3

for year 10 which is my class, we went for a lot of trip, :9

last thursday we went for a trip to 'Level Up' gym, the trainer there sure is giving us a lot of exercises, like sit up , burpee, star jump, without rest! i even vommit 3 times, 'cause my head became dizzy~

and oh, this the photo i had with my friends before we went to the gym,, 
Cebrina my singapore friend on my right side, me in the middle and Lairiy my japanese friend on my left side~
Morgane above us, XD hahhah

Seong Taek my Korean friend, the guy on my right side,  me in the middle, Lai Riy on my left side and Cebrina above us~ :)))
so, after we went to the gym,  we went to the waterfront, a tourists place, but unfortunately it's raining, so we all bought a raincoat, hahhah~

 since waterfront is an outdoor places,,
some photos of waterfront, :3

hmm.. i remember taking lots of them ,, but i couldnt find any,, only this one.. anyway, there's a river over there, XD hahhahah

on monday, we went to 'Giant' supermarket to play some games, it's like, we're divided into a group of 4 people, there'll be the father, mother, baby, and a son also german shepherd, and we were given 3,500 ringgit, not the real thing though. it's just written on a paper, XD hahhahah, we have to buy things for our living, like foods, clothes, etc, by writing it down on a paper and calculate it, xP it's fun though, 

on tuesday, we went to a park which is something like a forest, we played games again, this time is treasure hunt, there'll be a list of hint and things we have to find inside the forest, this one sure is tough and tiring, and there's a lot of mosquitoes there.. TT^TT)

on wednesday, we went to giant supermarket again, we were given the list of the things we have to do and find. like "the most expensive things in giant" "the brand of the most economical A4 paper" or "hug a stranger" , when we hug the strangers we have to took a photo of it, to prove it to the teacher, it's the most fun game of all for me, xD hahhahah,

and yesterday, we made a class party, there's japanese curry, kimchi, pizza , etc, yummy~ :9 

by the way today is my report card day.. i'm doomed.. xD hahhahah,,

Friday, 24 August 2012

My Drawings~

Just updating.. since it's been quite long since the last time i post... :3 i don't really have anything to say though.. so i guess i'll just share my newest drawing~ :)

I drew this using pen right away during tuition, XD hahhahah, i'm just too lazy to sketch 1st, :9 and, she is one of my comic character~ just for fun comic though, XD hahhahah,

Happy Couple~ x]
I use cute tape as the background, because i can't think of an idea for the background :P and i use color pencils to color the couple~ :3

Third,, :D
I drew this during my Chemistry class, XD lol! always draw in class :P and i color this using Oil Pastel :)

I drew this during my Add Math test, hahhahah... I straight away use pen too for this, that's why there's mistakes on her leg :9

This one is Touhou FanART :D i copied the picture in internet though, XD you see, the picture that i set as my background, nah, i copy from that picture, :3 so if the real owner found this drawing similar to his/hers, i would like to say sorry >w<" i didn't color it, i only shade it~ :3 but i'm currently coloring it using photoshop~ almost done! :D hehheh,

And that's all about it~ :3 and erm, anybody knows how to get our comic got published? XD and, any rules for it..? like, maybe it has to be in.. erm, i don't know how to say it =w=" lol~

Thursday, 19 July 2012


Today, There's only 4 students in the class! i mean 7~ if the two classes 10A&10B mixed together,, XD but for 10B which is my class, there's only 4 students,,

where is the rest of the class??

All the prefects in my school are having they're trip to singapore :( i wanna follow , but i'm not a prefect.. TT^TT
and then, those who are not prefects goes for International Award Camp

I don't follow the camp, since they're going for climbing and jungle trekking,, i don't like,, hahhah~
and the rest of them who didn't go either of the trip and didn't come to school are just lazy.. XD well, is that mean i'm dilligent student?? 

and actually,, my only reason why i come to school is because Lemon would be at school, too. ehheheh,, :P
supposedly, there would be only me and Lemon who is coming. but suddenly there's another girl, who had always look down on my anime drawings, come to school. and one more guy who i thought would be going for International award camp is also coming.
Anyway,, just now i talked to Lemon!! x)) a bit though.. but at least now we can have a conversation not like last time.. hahhah~
i Hope i can talk more to him,, today and the day after today.. :)

Monday, 28 May 2012


I met a band,, something like k-pop but Indonesian. There's only 3 member in that group. one of them is real korean... when i went to central park mall in Jakarta, i saw them, today just now,... I don't know which group they're from, and who are they... but one thing i know is they are a singer! so i went and tried to hold hand with them and took a photo of them too, here:
This guy is the real korean, don't know his name...

His name is Irwan, Indonesian..

This is a photo of the three of them together :D

I don't know about them up till now... but their songs are not bad... :3
and one shocking news,, the korean and Irwan lived in the same apartment as me in Jakarta !!! :OOO
i got to shake hand with the yellow haired color guy and the korean though :3 hohoho~~~
but i don't know why... i felt angry after being force by my mom and my aunt like they're pushing me forcing me to hug him or whatever, i felt like shouting at them "JUST SHUT THE F*CK UP!!!! I'VE GOT TO SHAKE HAND WITH HIM IS ENOUGH!!!! IT'S NOT LIKE I'M A BIG FAN OF THEM !!!! U GUYS WANTED TO HUG THEM SO BADLY THEN U GUYS JUST GO THERE AND HUG HIM!!!!" but obviously i cant't said that.. and that makes me really angry.. until now,, it makes me angry to actually saw this photo since it reminds me of that ! >:(((

Sunday, 20 May 2012


Tomorrow is my 1st day of EXAM !!! 
This is my EXAM time table:
Monday = Physics and ICT
Tuesday = Biology and Bhs.Melayu
Wednesday = Chemistry and English
Thursday = Maths and English
Friday = Mandarin and Add Math
I haven't even study for physics !!! what should i doo~~ what if i fail the EXAM tomorrow~~~ 
I studied ICT last night until 4.40 AM ,, TT^TT still can't memorize many things, i've only memorize a bit~~ i can't concentrate at alll~~~ Aaaargh~~~

Friday, 18 May 2012

Revealing Myself~

I've been thinking for quite long to actually still keep this blog as Lime,, or just reveal myself,, OuO 
well,, i hid this blog because i'm afraid Noni would read the posts when i talked about her, but now i no longer talked about Noni. so i have nothing to be afraid of~ 
i would still use those fruits name though~ :P 
well, my real name is Novie Clarissa Meidianti Thio :) 
I was born on 22nd November 1997
From Indonesia, Schooling at Malaysia,, :D 

and here is my photo with Coconut, the black shirt~~ :9

me, the pink shirt with orange, the guy in the middle and watermelon, the red shirt XD

this photo is taken quite long ago~ me at the back, with Guava ^^
I'm fat, i know,, =v=

and I loved to draw animes~ :DD here are some of my drawings~
This is a Digital ART, i color it using Photoshop,, :) but it's my real drawing,, XD hahhah,, i drew this for the easter day on 8 April,, :9

This is mother's day drawing~ :D  I use color pencil to color it~ :3

I design a Wedding Dress~~ :DD this one is just shading, use pencils,, :3

Add my FB if U'd like to be friend me~ :9 hehheh,, IF u'd like to, XD

Friday, 4 May 2012

Derp Comics~~~

Did you guys all know about those famous comics in the Facebook, the forever alone guy, Derp.
The story was really true, it's like, they know what we actually ever did XD hahhahah,, and it's really funny !!!
you can read it from the FB page named, 
=> Go.Be.Love
=> Life :]
=> We Love Trolling Maximum Style
=> LOL Factory
=> The awkward moment when teacher cracks a joke and nobody laugh

well, of course there's many more, but i only know this,, XD hahhahahah,,

and here is some of the comics, that i shared on my wall recently,, hehheh,,..

That's me ! XD hahhaahh,,

So true ! =w=

LOL! Obviously we bought them isn't it?? XD

Monday, 30 April 2012

Kemono No Souja Erin

I've just watched this anime recently with the title, Kemono No Souja Erin. It's about a girl named Erin who lived in Ake village, which raised a monster called Touda, with her mother, Soyon

Soyon is actually from the mist people but she married to a guy in Ake village, Asson, but he had passed away. Soyon was touda's doctor, she's given a job to takes care of Kiba, the Special Touda which Grand duke really treasure. Erin had always wished to be like Soyon. But if anything happens to Kiba/Touda, the one who would be blamed is the person that takes care of them.

Unfortunately, one day, all the Kiba were dead, because of poison, but Soyon couldn't understand how do they actually get poisoned. She was blamed on the Kiba's death, and was put on a Touda Trial. She was thrown to the Lake where the wild Touda lived so that the Toudas would eat her. Erin ran to saved Soyon, but Soyon do not wished Erin being eaten by the toudas as well, so she use some kind of magic, and stopped all the toudas from moving, and controlled one of the touda to bring Erin away from there.. 

Erin wanted to jumped off from the Touda, but she couldn't, something sticks her feet to the touda! all she could do was crying and shouted "Okasaaa~!! okaaasaaaa~!!!!" while looking at Soyon being eaten by the Toudas.. 

and then she was brought to a riverside by the touda, and a honeyman named Jone found her and safe her. Since then, she started to live happily with Jone, until Jone's son came and asked Jone to live with him and his mother in the town...

I've only watch until there,, they have 50 chapters, :O 
it's a really nice anime ! ><

oh, and i really love the ending song! here's the link for you guys to hear:

and here is the lyrics:

after the rain ame ga agattara 
across the rainbow niji o tobikoete 
aozora ni kakurechau mae ni todoke 
tatta hitotsu no negaigoto 

komorebi ga asobu mori o nuke 
yuuyake ni kasaneta kuchibue 
soyokaze o tsukamaeta te no hira 
tsurarete koboshita namida 

nazeka wasureteshimau 
takaramono no arika 

after the rain ame ga agattara 
across the rainbow nani kara hajimeyou 
kanashimi wa kienai kara kossori 
tanoshii omoide ni mazeyou 

aruki nagara mitsuketa 
kiiroku saita hana 
dokodemo ikeru kara 
imasugu kimi no tokoro e 

itsumo kimi no soba ni ita keredo 
hontou wa kimi ga soba ni itekureta 
sono mama de tada ari no mama de iyou 
hitoribotchi ja nai kara 


Saturday, 28 April 2012

update... ?

I have too much thing to say that it makes me lazy to type it actually.. and i'm afraid it would destroy everything..... abt my friendship or watever.......

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Blogger's New Layout :D

Blogger had a new layout don't they?
how do you guys like it? is it good?
I read someone's blog just now, who is saying that the new layout is ugly, the color combination is ugly,, well,, i don't know about that, i don't think it's ugly, but it's a bit confusing, but i'm sure i'll get used to it soon, 

what i'm really clear of is that the person who made this new layout has been working hard anyways to actually makes blogger to be more convenient for all of us, so why don't we just appreciate the new looks rather than complaining about it??  just see the good points, not the bad ones :)

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Ashita Kuru Hi English Ver. :D

it's an insert song in the anime called Kobato
It's not the "Real" Ashita Kuru Hi's song, but it's still nice and the person singing this song has a cute voice ! >W< try to hear it !
Link :

And as usual, I'll write down the lyrics as well~ ^^

Fall is here and Winter
hides in the tips of the branches.
In the deepness of this world
there are no limits to kindness.

Every time the night falls
let us offer a prayer.
So that we can welcome
each coming day with perfect peace.

Please guide us with your voice,
oh voice so far, far away.
It sounds like a smile,
sounds like a song,
it sounds like the sound of the wind.

Happiness or sadness I'll
embrace it all and keep walking forward.
Cause we are together,
strongly connected.
My hand, your hand, are one.

Thursday, 22 March 2012


Guess what ?!
my friend, "T" , which is Lemon's best friend told me, that Lemon told him he got Girlfriend from America..  but T is not sure whether Lemon is lying or not. :'(( I hope he was just lying.. D':

And then,, My mom SCOLDED me just because of MY MAID !!! STUPID MAID ! ALWAYS SAID SUCH STUPID THINGS THAT MADE PEOPLE MISUNDERSTOOD ME !!!!!!!!!!!! >:((( she told my mom that I never study and i always play computer. I DID study but AFTER she Sleeep !! she just don't know anything ! 

i told my mom i study after she sleep, but all she said was "It's at night already ! I told u to study AFTER school ! U shouldn't sleep so late ! what for you study until late at night at 12 but you feel sleepy!" well that's HER NOT ME !! when i sleep early, what do they, my parents, told me ???!?? "you know , I always sleep at 3 or 5 or sometimes even didn't sleep just to study" AREN'T THEY THE SAME ?!??!?!?!!! AAAAAAAAAAARGGH !!! 

I actually wanted to talk more about Lemon. That's what i'm planning before... but i was too angry with my mother that i talk more about my mother.. 

Monday, 19 March 2012


That Mango Guy PISSED ME OFF ==
I've tried to asked my parents to allow me to go to his hometown since LAST YEAR to meet him [as friend] well i did loved him last year but not until i loved lemon back. =w=a 
and once i got my permission to go there, he said he can't go to meet me just because of TRAFFIC JAM ?!??!?!?! 
I have to message him every 3 hours [since he didn't reply me] to make sure whether we can meet or not. and he replied me after 9 hours ?! and he said he just came back from his friend's house and can't go to meet me since there's a TRAFFIC JAM. !! HOW THE HELL HE GO TO HIS FRIEND'S HOUSE THEN ?!?!?!?!! he can go to his friend's house but can't go to the mall ?!! i'm so angry so i replied him with a lie "nevermind, i'll go by myself" while actually my maid was there. lol. I wanna know whether he'll change his mind to meet me, or just felt sorry a little bit for making me go by myself. but he DIDN'T EVEN REPLY MY MESSAGE ?!??!!??!! 
Sometimes, i just don't understand him. he said he loved me, but he doesn't care at all. It's not like i was wishing him to actually keep loving me after i rejected him or come and meet me as a guy who love me. but as a friend. i came THERE as a Friend ! a friend from far away, who may not be able to went there anymore ! He can at least meet me for a while!! >:/

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

pointless.. ==

DAMN~! ><
yesterday i was sooo happy to be able to go to Mango's hometown. and I realised.. he's having EXAM =A= he is very busy, means it's all pointless.. ==a even if i reach there,, he is very busy and we can't meet each other... =A= *sigh*

Monday, 12 March 2012


YAAAY~!! at laaaaaassst~!! i'm allowed to go to mango's hometown ! MEANS i could meet hiiim !! >W<


how am i gonna get an excuse to tell my mom where i'm going when i am going to meet mango?? 

since my mom gonna go to his hometown as well.. ><" can help me to think of an excuses.. ?? :p

because when i meet him, it's gonna be only the  2 of us. he is a boy, if my mom found out, she would thought that we're dating and i'll be DEAD  by then ... ><