but,,.. i wanted to say that i'm sorry Lemon, Really really really sorry for hurting you last time. D:
I'd go back in time and changed it, but i can't..
I wish i didn't do something like that to you. You always think for me first.. You Tried to not hurt me.. You always Help me.. Protect me.. but all i do was, hurting you and betray you.. and now, i realize how important you are in my life. how much i love you.. but everything is just too late..
and You know what, Lemon ? i still remember every simple thing that we did last time when we're together... i wonder if you still remember them.. :')

When 1 of our classmate, a boy asked me to test him on music (since we're dating while we're having EXAM) ,, and you got jealous, you stared at us and you came to me and push him away..
when we're in the school bus, going somewhere, but there was no open seat for me to sat, and you stood up to let me sat there.
when there's a boy, in our class too, that disturbed me in the bus, you push him away and you stood next to me,,
when we're doing science experiment, about bacteria, and all of my group members asked me to cleaned the bacteria, but it looked disgusting to me, and then you helped me to clean it.
when i was walking backwards and i didn't realized there's a dirt on the floor, you pushed me to the front, i'm shocked ; *inside my heart* why did he push me? ; but i realized, there's a dirt on the floor and you pushed me so that i won't step on it.
when i wrote my status in the facebook "ARRRGGHH...!! EXAM makes me STRESS!!" you commented on it. you said 'EXAM or study makes you stress? :P' and i said "study hehehe :P" then i also got said, "for sure i get low mark" and you said "then study. you won't get low mark" i said 'can't >.< my brain not gud in studying' and you replied me again "eih, no such thing :P" I love it when you said 'no such thing' :')
When you asked me to play "Gaiaonline" you gave me many gift from there, you sent a message "heeey!! I LOVEE YOUU!! juz kidd. juz to let you know that it's me :)" i miss it when you said 'i love you' to me.. you always asked me to online Gaia. but i always said LaZy..
You edit your Gaia profile, you put my character in front of yours, and you put a heart shape in the middle. but i scolded you, "how if someone found out that we're together??" how i wish i could see it once again now..
When we're not together yet, you asked me, what type of guy that i like. and i asked you back. you asked me who i like. and i asked you back. but you said you don't like anyone. so i asked you "year 8A or 8B?" and you got tricked. you said "8B" and i said "AHAH! you got someone you like!! xD"

me : "who you like ??? Guava??"
Lemon : 'nope, guava is too retarded xD'
me : "hahaha xD then ? Melon ??"
Lemon : 'nope. Melon is J***'s '
me : "mmn, R******* ?? if you like her i fainted"
Lemon : "If i like her i think i fainted 1st"
at school i kept guessing and followed you around and asked "whooo~~"
and then, there's a time when i called you, and wanted to ask whether it's H**** or not. you put your face near me, and let me whispered to you..
me : " is it H**** ?? "

me : "but you always looked at her when you are in your car" (after school when his car pick him up)
Lemon : "i'm looking at the both you"
and at night i chat you again..
me : "who you liiikeee???? i'm curious~"
Lemon : "you"
and we started dating. but since it was our 1st time, we were very blur. for the next few days, we kept asking "are we together?" and you said 'for me of course i want to. but how about you?' you didn't want to forced me. you think for me.. that's what i love about you.. :')
I also remember,when you just get your handphone. 1st handphone, you said to me "can i call you? i want you to be the 1st one i call" but i'm too nervous. i've never been called by a guy before, and i gave you many excuses so that you won't call me. :/ But, IF now we're together.. you wanted to call me 10 times in a day i won't mind. i will accept your phone call right away..
You are very good in maths, but you purposely wanted to copy my works. you said 'how to do?? so hard'
When coconut wanted to tricked Melon by writing a fake love letter, she asked Lemon to wrote it, and i said to coconut "if she found out you must told her you are the one that asked him! don't involve him in this" i'm afraid melon would be very angry at Lemon.. and then coconut asked Lemon to wrote "I'm sorry that i forgot to give you something for Valentine" and suddenly you said it right in front of me "oh yeah, i also forgot" and you smiled at me.. while i blushed like hell..

You always smiled when you talked to me..
When we were at the gym. we were not allowed to went up to the 2nd floor. beside it was dark there.. but your friend, T**** asked us to went up.. i was scared that the teacher would found out and scolded us.. i said 'hey,, let's go down, i'm scared' and you said to T**** "hey let's go down, Lime's scared.." i'm so happy to heard that..
but if we loved again, i swear i'd love you right..
Guess it would be just too long if i continue the stories hahahah.. xD
so let's stop it here :P hehehe..
I LOVE YOU, W.T.K.R ! :')
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